Court Appointed Communication Assistance

The legal system is complex.

A Communication Assistant can assist the Court in understanding things that help and don’t help someone’s communication.

Defendants (people that the Police say did something bad),

Witnesses (people who might have information)

Complainants (people who the police say had something happen to them)

can sometimes have a Communication Assistant.

Only a Judge can decide if you can have a CA

Watch a story Tracy did with The Hui about her work as a CA.

If you or someone in your family is finding it tricky to listen, understand concentrate or talk in court or legal meetings might be able to get a CA to assist.

A CA is free but not everyone can have a CA. Only a Judge can decide if someone can have a CA

If you want to know more about communication assistance, you could

  • Talk to your lawyer.

  • Contact Kōrero Connect or Talking Trouble Aotearoa NZ

Tracy contracts to Talking Trouble Aotearoa New Zealand as a CA.

You can learn more about Talking Trouble Aotearoa NZ here.